Top 3 Things to Consider When Creating a Functional Bathroom

A bathroom can be a safe personal space where you begin and end your day, undertake self-care and reflection. Or it can be a hectic place of mayhem and disputes between siblings and family members. Whatever your bathroom is to you, one thing it should be is functional.

At Bellagio Homes we’re bathroom specialists in Perth, here are our top 3 things to consider when creating a functional bathroom.


Nothing decreases the overall look and feel of a bathroom like too much clutter. Make sure you have enough storage for everyone who will be using the bathroom. This means, shelves, drawers, cupboards, laundry baskets, shower racks and toothbrush holders. Everything needs a home.


A cluttered bathroom is not a functional bathroom. Don’t try and fit a huge double shower and a full-size stone bath into a space that just won’t accommodate them. Often people want extremely large showers or baths and feel they need them to add that extra layer of luxury to a bathroom. A functional bathroom sometimes comes at the cost of luxury but doesn’t mean it can’t still feel luxurious. Space is the simplest yet most functional form of luxury.

The Little Things

A truly functional bathroom is made up of a lot of little things. Accessories and creature comforts that make all the difference. Having power-points near vanities, a couple of different lighting settings and especially even lighting around mirrors are a must. Towel warmers, heated tiles, hygienic bins, quality shower curtains and bathmats make life easy.


Speak to Troy and Reg from Bellagio Homes, your Perth custom home builders and bathroom specialists, to see how they can turn your vision into a reality. Email today.